[uhp-steyt fan-see] - adjective

1. not exorbitant or extravagent by city standards, however in a rural setting (like upstate new york) it is in fact, quite fancy.

2. a wonderful blog dedicated to art, design and other things that are indeed upstate fancy.




whatcha readin
Essex county by jeff lemire


The Vancouver Olympics have come to a close, but in case you haven’t had your fill of Canada I suggest The Complete Essex County by Jeff Lemire. This edition combines his three essex county graphic novels into a hardcover collection. Each of these stories are based in a farmland town in Essex County Ontario, Canada where small town values are rooted in tradition, family, and just getting by.  While each story on its own is filled with heartfelt emotion, combined they remind you that everyone is connected in some small way. Jeff’s storytelling combined with his loose, almost rhythmic drawing style makes for a fulfilling read. It left me examining my bonds with the people around me, and maybe a tear or two left on the page.

Whatcha readin’ is a brand new feature to upstatefancy and I really hope you like it. If you have suggestions for a great book, graphic novel or any other printed materials that you think I’d enjoy please let me know!

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