I’ve been really excited about the possibility of getting into the Renegade Craft Fair in Brooklyn this summer. I applied this year with my favorite soapstar (she makes soap she doesn’t star on the now canceled Guiding Light) Michelle from Dirty Loves Clean. The wait was long but last night we found out that we got in! I’m pretty excited, not only is it in my neighborhood, but I’ve always had a little mini-dream of selling there one year. I know some of my other favorite people also got in cakehouse, J Davis Studio, iKyoto, Miniature Rhino, and quite a few more that are all members of the newnewteam. So if you are in Brooklyn stop by and say hi, June 6 + 7th at McCaren Park.
Elise of Argyle Whale on April 10, 2009 at 12:26 pm said:
Hooray! I’ll be there too.