Nerd jokes always make me smile. Even the occasional instance when someone has to explain it to me. This time however I needed no explanation, the smile came quite naturally. This t-shirt and button from Pop + Shorty pretty much sums up how I feel about Matt, my software engineering, down to earth, technical support to all my endeavors, boyfriend. He really does keep my life in order, in place, and as of last night all my typefaces consistent. Thanks Matt, I love you. But seriously, you should really check out the good from Pop + Shorty, they design style is clean and modern with a big hearty heaping of laughter.
Ashley on October 25, 2009 at 5:14 pm said:
Thank you for the kind words! I love your website. 🙂
wall stickers on October 23, 2010 at 10:17 am said:
thas very funny !
Im your css and you are my html :))))
Great idea !