Yesterday I received a large order of coasters and other fun things from my favorite laser cutters Ponoko. I spent some time working on a new design for a new series that’s a little more organic then my other coasters and I got to hold them in my nervous little hands yesterday for the first time. They need a few tweaks the next go-around but I have to say I am very happy with them. I took a quick snapshot of one to share with you guys since hopefully I will sell out of them this weekend when I’m vending at the Brooklyn Flea. So if your in the area stop by and say hi, I’ll be in good company with the {newnew}. I put a set aside for myself for a more professional product photoshoot. I also have some felt doily’s on their way that I just finished designing, I know you guys are going to love them!
Carol on April 25, 2009 at 3:20 am said:
These are really sweet. Nice job. Much success in selling them. Carol