I love Michelle Maule. The end.
But seriously, what’s not to love about her crisp clean color choices, and feminine style? There is something so soothing about her composition and sensibility that it always puts me in a relaxed mood. I have a print of hers hanging in my bathroom because it always makes me start my day a little bit less stressed that I would otherwise. If you haven’t been by her etsy shop lately check her out, she’s constantly updating and releasing new prints and affordable original paintings. Keep an eye out for Michelle’s artist inspiration post here on upstatefancy when they return for their regularly scheduled monday slots in April!
Lisa Falzon on March 12, 2009 at 8:30 pm said:
Oooh I am so glad I read this post, this is such a great artist find!
Your blog is fantastic by the way, been following for some time now. ♥