I remember one year for mothers day we had to make “coupons” to take home to our moms as a gift. These coupons could be used for “one free hug”, “washing the dishes”, “walking the dog” and other easy chores. Last night I ran into these great chore cards from Heidi Burton. I absolutely love her humorous illustration style and think these guys would make great gifts all year long.
Morgan on December 1, 2008 at 11:25 am said:
i love that it says WAKING the dog. Like “WAKE UP DOG! NO MORE SLEEPING!”
peppersprouts on December 1, 2008 at 12:19 pm said:
HAHAH amazing 🙂 so much for spell check
benconservato on December 16, 2008 at 7:18 am said:
ahh, spell check doesn’t always work for me either… cool, I love Heidi too, although, I’m not sure I want her to wash my dishes for me.