I want to wish those of you in the states a safe and happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy your friends and family and some delicious food. I know some of you are planning on doing some heavy shopping on Black friday as well. Please be safe and respectful to your fellow bargain hunters and especially to the employees who are doing their best to make the biggest shopping day of the year a safe and happy one. A Nintendo Wii or a GPS unit is not worth getting hurt over. I do hope that many of you will forgo the bigbox stores this year and instead shop from local makers, mom and pop stores, and check out the world of handmade goods springing up all over the place. But of course if your reading this blog you already know that. Take the handmade pledge and start shopping.
Marilyin on November 26, 2009 at 11:14 pm said:
Very nice Jen, I’m glad you posted this. Thank you.