[uhp-steyt fan-see] - adjective

1. not exorbitant or extravagent by city standards, however in a rural setting (like upstate new york) it is in fact, quite fancy.

2. a wonderful blog dedicated to art, design and other things that are indeed upstate fancy.




CREATE A backdrop for product shots

You don’t need an elaborate lighting setup or a designer apartment to take a great picture of your crafty endeavors. To me it’s all about working with what you have. I currently live in an apartment where we chose not to paint any walls in an effort to make moving out one step easier. But when I need to take some product shots of my new wall art pieces I thought hanging them on a painted wall was exactly what the shot called for. So working with what I had, I improvised. Here’s how you can do the same.

I took a 24 x30 piece of foamcore that I had ( I cut them down for packaging flat items) and spray painted it with my favorite shade of apple green. This creates an instant wall in any color of your choosing, and unlike a fabric of paper backdrop it’s sturdy and will never wrinkle. I looked around the apartment and decided that a bench we had would make a great surface on which t place the props, but a small table or book shelf would work great too. For props I decided on some flowers from the little shop down the street and a few of my favorite books.

For the setup, the spot with the most natural light happens to be in our stairwell through the skylight. So I used some 3m Velcro command strips to attach my new “wall” to the actual wall, and setup everything in an eye pleasing manner.  Using another piece of Command strip I hung the framed art to the foamcore. This setup is easy to rearrange and take away or add props as you see fit. Remember it’s all about the final shot, not the surroundings of your setup. So don’t worry if your shooting in your bathroom, outdoors or in your stairwell. Wrk with what you have and get creative!

3 Responses to "CREATE A backdrop for product shots"

  1. Tweets that mention Upstate Fancy » CREATING AN ENVIRONMENT for great product shots -- Topsy.com on April 7, 2010 at 12:25 pm said:

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by jen pepper. jen pepper said: @etsy a great tip for product shots for those of us in small spaces & unpaintable apartments – http://tiny.cc/cumc3 […]

  2. last minute lynn on April 7, 2010 at 7:46 pm said:

    Thanks for this great idea! Inexpensive and easy…what could be better!

  3. Metalicious on June 15, 2010 at 10:01 am said:

    Wow, this is an amazing and easy tutorial!

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