[uhp-steyt fan-see] - adjective

1. not exorbitant or extravagent by city standards, however in a rural setting (like upstate new york) it is in fact, quite fancy.

2. a wonderful blog dedicated to art, design and other things that are indeed upstate fancy.




TWEET TWEET pretty wood bird coasters

I had a great time this weekend at the SOWA market in Boston. Everyone i met was super nice, and i got to run into and old friend as well. I have a few new things up in the peppersprouts etsy shop today. One of them being a limited edition Boston coaster, the other being the long awaited bird coasters. These little guys have increased in size to 3.75″ in diameter, sure to fit any drink! There are a lot of new things in the works over the next few weeks, holiday goodies, magazine racks, even picture frames. I am very excited to say the least. 


YOU WISH YOU WORKED at sterling cooper

I love MadMen. It is hands down the smartest show on tv. Period. So when i was given the opportunity to stop by the cooper sterling office this week I couldn’t refuse. Luckily while I was there someone snapped this photo of me with Mr. Draper and Mr. Sterling. I was trying to convince them that i would be a great addition to the art department there, but they didn’t really like the idea of more women doing a man’s job, even when I tried to butter them up with delicious coffee from the corner bodega. Maybe you will have better luck, Go MadMen Yourself.



THE PERILS AND TRIUMPHS of being a designer

Maybe you’re a designer. Maybe you want to be a designer. Maybe you’re just friends with a designer and are tired of hearing them complain about having to make the headline in the latest project 50pt bold and red, because their client wouldn’t know good design if it hit them on the head. I’m just guessing here. If this sounds like you, or someone you know, or you just like really pretty animations, check out this short film by Brent Barson called “F is for Failure.” Composed of only letters this spells out the typical life of a designer.


INTERACTIVE INDIA INK and the song that matches it perfectly

Spanish band Labuat’s has an interactive video for Soy Tu Aire. I don’t want to ruin it for you but I will tell you it’s beautiful. You are the director of a fluid ink line that reacts to the music in ways you never thought possible. It’s beautiful and relaxing. So turn your speakers up and enjoy (wait for the play button and then set off on your magical journey.) When you some to the end you can replay your video and watch your creation unfold.

Don’t forget there is still time to enter the upstatefancy contest, just tell me your favorite summer song in the comments on this post.


NEW HOMEGOODS up in the shop

After a long weekend at Renegade Brooklyn I am finally able to offer some of the new products I have been working on for the peppersprouts line . There are some custom printed pillows, some bright fantastic trivets, and some adorable woodland mirrors. Hope you like them as much as I liked making them!


A LITTLE EYE CANDY for a dreary tuesday

Just wanted to share with you some eye candy on this dreary tuesday afternoon. Some of my favorite finds from flickr.


Clockwise from top left: Take a seat from hej frollein, awesome envelopes from Camilla Engman, packaged Una and Frankie from WelcomeToTheDoghouse, in progress illustration from Here On the Road, mustache envy from somethings hiding in here, coolest shelf ever from sandra juto, sugarpie font from Ale Paul.  Enjoy!

CNC ROUTED TABLE for marbles, kids and modern design

Remember marble run? I used to love that game game as a kid. It was like lincoln logs with a purpose, and i would always build one end so the marbles would just drop out the bottom instead of finishing the course, then of course I would have to search high and low for the marbles that didn’t make it to the end so I could send them all down again. WHich is why I am in love with this table designed by Tineke Beunders and Nathan Wierink of ontwerpduo. They designed this table, as well as all the elements of Room 222 in the famous Dutch Lloyd hotel in Amsterdam, to provide creative interaction with beautiful design for children and of course their parents. This table was engineered and produced by a CNC router, which I’m hoping to design something with very soon. Check out all the elements of Room 222 at Ontwerpduo.com.


via: ponokoblog


I’m torn about this new company Inkd. They are billing themselves as the first market for original print design. Their business model is similar to istockphoto.com. At istock you can be a contributor, purchaser or both. You upload your photos, illustrations or video files that get added to their database for user to search and purchase your file to use in their website, print piece, etc. Each time someone purchases one of your works you receive a bit of royalty for that image, so to speak, and that image can be purchased by hundreds of people. So you do the work once and you keep making a little bit of money off it. The thing about stock photos and illustrations is they get used in so many different ways, you may download a photo of some blades of grass, edit them in photoshop, turn them purple and make a surreal concert poster, while I may download the same photo for use in a brochure about my local environmental co-op. I really think thats the beauty about stock photo’s they exist and they become something else original and creative, most of the time.

With that being said I guess my main hang up with Inkd is that the creativity has already been done. Granted they are offering the service to contact the designer who made the file you are interested in purchasing, so that you can have them customize it for you, so I do appreciate that. But you may look at a business card design that you feel is just perfect for your company, but keep in mind that design may very well have been downloaded 150 times this month. That means there is quite possibly 150 other people out there with the exact same business card as you ( just with a different name and address.) Which makes that perfect business card, not so unique anymore. 

I do think some of the work on there is beautiful, there are some really amazing designers on there with a lot of talent. And I also see this being a perfect outlet for those ideas sitting in a designers file that for some reason that last client just didn’t pick, after all you designed it already, why not make a few bucks off it. I see the benefit of this site to people who want a beautiful brochure but can’t afford a designer to create one for them. I just hope people stop and think about what they are getting with this service, vs the originality and customization of hiring a professional designer. After all not all designers, myself included, charge and arm and a leg for something unique and fitting for your brand.


DIY KITS to keep you busy this summer

my boyfriend was joking that i need a new project to work on, (I currently have 4 rather large projects going on currently, one of them is of course my product line.) But that got me thinking about all the great things that are available on etsy, and all the wonderful kits you can buy on there to learn a new skill, make something tasty, or just make someone’s day. I used to love getting craft kits to keep me busy in the summer months. So I took a peek at the vast pages of the etsy universe and here are a few of my favorites.


a. DIY cheese kit from Urban Cheesecraft $21   b. Designer chair tablescape kit from L Brandt $30   c. Giraffe embroidery pattern from Penguin and Fish $6   d. Make your own cup cozy from byrd and belle $8   e. Spice kits from Purpose design $16   f. Cottontail needle felting kit from fancy tiger $12   g. Moss terrarium kit from Lady Farrah $35

HOW DO YOU use your moleskine?

In passing yesterday I made a comment that people shouldn’t be writing on single sheets of paper, everyone should have a notebook. After all a very wise person once said, its not about being a good drawer, it’s about being a good thinker. Then today i get an email from Moleskine Asia, informing me about a contest they are doing with lifehacker where you can win moleskine notebooks for life. So I was wondering, how many of you have a moleskine notebook? I currently have two in my bag right now, a small plain black lined notebook, and my limited edition helvetica moleskine which I use for design ideas. I would love to hear how you guys use your little black notebook. 


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