[uhp-steyt fan-see] - adjective

1. not exorbitant or extravagent by city standards, however in a rural setting (like upstate new york) it is in fact, quite fancy.

2. a wonderful blog dedicated to art, design and other things that are indeed upstate fancy.




typewriter art
GET INSPIRED with nan lawson

Please welcome Nan Lawson as she let’s us into her head and opens up about what inspires her. 

My name is Nan Lawson and I’m an artist living in Los Angeles.  The neighborhood I live in is on the east side of L.A. and is known as Silverlake.  It’s a great community with artists, hippies, hipsters, and hills.  Just walking down the street I get inspired, whether it’s the color of someone’s house, the plants in their yard, or even the dry as a bone water fountain in the town square.  I bring along my camera on many occasions and let the images inspire me when I’m feeling blocked.

A lot of my work is based on retro objects and design.  I love typewriters.  I own two and only use them occasionally but I love the look and the way they can change the feeling in a room.  I also have a bit of an obsession with chairs.  Eames, Bertoia, Saarinen, these designers were real artists and the things they made are often the subject of my work. Thank you for letting me share.  – Nan Lawson. 
