[uhp-steyt fan-see] - adjective

1. not exorbitant or extravagent by city standards, however in a rural setting (like upstate new york) it is in fact, quite fancy.

2. a wonderful blog dedicated to art, design and other things that are indeed upstate fancy.




music snob books that are funny
STUART McLEAN always makes me laugh

I first read “Home from the Vinyl Cafe” a few years ago. It was one of those books that looked iteresting from afar, and once I read the descrption on the back cover I knew it had to come home with me. “Meet Dave, the owner of the world’s smallest record store. Meet his pal, Kenny Wong, who runs Wong’s Scottish Meat Pies. Meet Dave’s wife and their children who, along with everyone else in town, bump and stumble through a hilarious year of mistakes, miscues, misunderstandings, and muddle.” Humor Hilarity, and maybe someone embarrasses themselves in public, count me in. I couldn’t put this book down. I got my hands on a few of his other books as well, they all kept me giggling out loud, and trust me that makes for some strange looks on the subway.

Lately I have been feeling a little down, unsure of myself and where I am headed in my career. I’ve been feeling a little bit in a funk and needed something lighthearted to lift my spirits a bit. Well, it turns out good ol’ Stuart just released a new book this month; “Secrets From The Vinyl Cafe.” A quick press of a button, it is available for the Kindle, and there it was the book that I hoped would cheer me up. Needless to say, it did. The short stories, or rather anecdotes, in this book seem to be a little more heartfelt. Sure there is still hi-jinx and missteps that happen along the way, but there is always an undertone of love, family and friends. It made me laugh, and made me thankful for those that I have around me. I have to say if you are looking for a quick and light read, with a whole lot of fun, pick one of these up. I’m still smiling.