Why has no one thought of this before? I love, love, love the official tooth fairy kit by Notion Farm. A beautiful way to record a precious childhood memory. The kit contains a beautiful letter-pressed certificate of Record to file with your local tooth fairy and a screen-printed cloth bag for your past and future tooth deposits. You can now keep track of the age the tooth was lost, method of extraction and compensation for said tooth. Can’t wait to see who is going to stock these amazing memory collectors.
kids gifts
HANDMADE holiday gift guide 2008
Well it sure did take a while, but it was worth it. The holiday gift guide is up and running here at upstate fancy. Take a peek at the most unique handmade items around and start checking the naughty and nice off your holiday list. Don’t forget, even if an item is sold there is probably a new one listed in the shop, or send these great artists a note and let them know you have to have it for your special someone. Happy holidays, and tell them upstate fancy sent you!