[uhp-steyt fan-see] - adjective

1. not exorbitant or extravagent by city standards, however in a rural setting (like upstate new york) it is in fact, quite fancy.

2. a wonderful blog dedicated to art, design and other things that are indeed upstate fancy.




IF YOUR FRIENDS WITH ET then you’re friends with me

Comic maker, illustrator, and absurd genius, welcome to the world of Scott Campbell. I would love to hang out in the mind of Scott for a little bit, maybe have some lunch with the windmill head people, pick some monsters from the garden, or just sip on a slurpee with E.T. I often find myself with creative block, but I have the feeling that his head if just crawling with fantastical images faster then he can get them down. His prints are super affordable so this leaves you no excuse to own your favorite one. I happen to have a Friends with E.T. print that is jonesing for the perfect frame. His work is available at Gallery Nucleus and Gallery Nineteen Eighty Eight. Check out his blog, and be sure to read his web comic over at doublefine.


FOUR SCORE and 7 pillows ago

Spice up your couch with a little Lincoln. These little pillows from Big Stone Head are sure to add some presidential flair to any apartment. Maybe Abe will be able to help you through some hard times by imparting some presidential wisdom. But if your too cool to have a conversation with an inanimate object he’ll still be there to look pretty darn cool just hanging out. If your home is a bit too modern for ol’ Abe check out the Obama pillow for a more contemporary look. 



This is the very first post in a new weekly series here at upstatefancy. We have asked some very talented artists, illustrators, designers and crafters to share some things that help inspire them. So each monday stop by an take a sneak peek into the swatch files and bulletin boards of some of your favorite artists. This week’s inspiration board is from the wonderful pulpsushi.


It’s difficult for me to describe where my inspiration comes from.  People who I just love everything about and wish I could be more like. Places that I dream of seeing and absorb their history and culture.  Things in my daily life that I try not to take for granted like visiting my favorite museum, or picking up a batch of my favorite flowers.  I just love colors and experimenting with bold, obnoxious palettes and imagery.  I’ve always had quirky taste (esp in all things kitsch and low brow) even though I may not show it in my appearance, my interest and taste in things made me stand out from my friends in school and in my neighborhood growing up and it still does to this day.  — Marilyn

YOU CAN DO what??

I am very dangerous in a fabric store. If I like something, I will buy it , and quite possibly never use it. Last year I took a class in textile design and have been wanting to print my own fabrics. I came across this lovely bird fabric designed by Laurie of The Scarlet Fig that was printed using service from Spoonflower. Spoonflower allows anyone to upload their own designs and have them outputted on cotton MODA fabric. AMAZING! I have a few designs I am working on and will be sure to share them when they are done. In the meantime, start designing your own fabric, at $18 a yard, it’s a steal!



There are no shortcomings in the illustrations of Lisa Falzon, as far as I’m concerned. I love her her mixture of traditional painting and digital  manipulation that create such wonderful works. Not only does she offer the traditional “paintings,” she has also turned some into wearable jewelry. Imagine being the heir to an antique locket with pictures of Napoleon and Josephine tucked away inside. Be sure to check out her shop, and her portfolio. Viva la Lisa Falzon, and Viva La Revolution.


BOMBS away!

Happy new year to all of you. After a much needed vacation, Upstate Fancy is back in action. I was able to do most of my holiday shopping on etsy this year, and one of my favorite finds was the Missile Cat from pillowcat. Move over sock monkeys, there’s a new cat in town. Be it stripped, argyle or even polka-dotted, these adorable little cats are fashioned from some very soft socks. Collect them all and wage a kitty war of your very own, probably the cutest cat fight ever.


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